Just Dance

Salam, Kia ora, Hello!

Guess what's up our sleeves next?


Yup, we do that sometimes. ;)

We're not sure if you're in-the-know, but we're (proudly) affiliated to one of the best Malaysian dance groups in New Zealand, Bahtera Budaya.

Why the sudden mention of dancing & Bahtera Budaya?

Well, dear friends, we're pleased to inform you that spots are open for two dance teams this year : Zapin & Joget. These are catered to be performed at a cultural festival next month.

The mission details are:

Who? Any WMSO member of any gender, age, physique etc
What? Ethnic Council Wellington's Multicultural Festival
When? Sunday, August 23 2009

Interested to join the fun as a dancer/audience? Come on over to our tryouts:

Tuesday July 14th @ 6.30 pm
In front of Hugh Mackenzie (HMLT) 206

Friday July 17th @ 6.30 pm
In front of Hugh Mackenzie (HMLT) 206

Important : Please be there on time, ie. at least 5 minutes before the time to meet is ideal. Being punctual is important, because the dance teachers (as well as the other on-time dancers) won't appreciate dilly-dallying, PLUS it gives some time for you to practice a little and/or do warm-ups to prevent muscle strains and whatnot. :)

We're excited to see what this year's dancers are made of. If you have any more questions, you know where to find us!

WMSO Committee

Photos courtesy of Elun Teo


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