'Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)' and 'Meet & Greet 2.0'

Event: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Meet & Greet 2.0
Date: 6 August 2015
Time: 18:00 until 21:00
Venue: SUMT 309 and SUMT 310

Kia Ora and hello everyone!

Wellington Malaysian Student Organisation (WMSO) in collaboration with Education Malaysia New Zealand (EMNZ) and Wellington UMNO Club (WUC) organised an event merging “Standard Operating Procedure (SOP”) and “Meet and Greet 2.0”.

Those events were to inform students on safety procedure so that we can better plan, prepare, and practise these procedures in case of emergency. We were also welcoming all the new faces and get to know each other better. There were a guest speaker from Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) who conducted the SOP slot and EMNZ officer, Puan Suraya Sari.

There was a heavy dinner for all participants and speakers. We are truly grateful for all students who came for the event. We hope, all the tips given by the speakers will be stored in our mind and can be applied when needed. Stay safe and smile always!


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